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Quick Start Installation

This will setup a world locally on your machine that you can then self-host.

You can start a hosted world from a hosting provider without needing to setup locally, if you prefer.

Hyperfy v2 Repo

World building for everyone


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Super fresh is on dev branch


Node 22.11.0

(eg via nvm)

nvm install 22.11.0
nvm use 22.11.0


Main Branch

git clone my-world
cd my-world
cp .env.example .env
npm install
npm run dev

Each separated below for easy copying.

git clone my-world
cd my-world
cp .env.example .env
npm install
npm run dev

After above, your world is now running in http://localhost:3000/. Open in browser.


When your world is not running (you kill the terminal) you can change the my-world to anyname you want for your world.

Just remember next time, you will cd 'new world name' then npm run dev

Dev Branch

To work from the dev branch:

cd my-world
git fetch origin
git checkout -t origin/dev
git pull

Each separated below for easy copying.

cd my-world
git fetch origin
git checkout -t origin/dev
git pull
npm run dev

Start building



When you’re ready to host, choose between:

Need help coding?


If you run into please feel free to join Hyperfy Discord to ask for help. The community is knowledgeable and very supportive.