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Developer FAQs

Is Hyperfy free?

Yes it’s free and open source. Once you are ready to share your v2 world with others that can join, the world will need to be self-hosted orprovider-hosted. This is the only cost associated, but you can find many ways to do this. Some even free.

What’s the difference between v1 and v2?

v1 was hosted by Hyperfy via a one-time world purchase as NFT on Ethereum. The code was closed mostly.

v2 is open-source and hosted by you or a chosen provider. The only cost is the hosting you choose.

Is there a Sandbox? I want to first see what v2 world is like.

Yes! There is a running sandbox of current dev branch of Hyperfy v2.

For inspiration, head over to v2 Sandbox

When I drag and drop a model into a world nothing happens?

One of the following issues is likely occuring:

  1. If this is not a world you own or one you are running locally, you likely do not have admin privledges.

  2. If you own the world and have assigned an ADMIN_CODE in your .env you will need to give yourself priviledges with /admin <admin-key>. By default if you do not assign an <admin-key> all users have admin privledges.

cp .env.example .env
  1. There is currently an error involving some models with draco textures. Please try with the model included in this repo at: hyperduck.glb

I need a random number. Math.random() has security issues. What should I do?

Use our global num method created just for that.