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Site Repo

Repo is Here is a living community resource for Hyperfy v2.

It will continue to evolve as Hyperfy v2 progresses. (with your help! 🚀)

Easily add resources in markdown to the appropriate .md or .mdx file. If needed, create a new file. (be sure to start with frontmatter format of all others)

Sidebar and page link will autogenerate on ‘resources’ section based on the frontmatter title of the file in the ‘resources’ folder.

‘resources’ sidebar will be in order based on the .md/.mdx file name.

On ‘guides’ and up to ‘welcome’ section, you will need to add to astro.config.mjs. Order is based on astro.config.mjs. Easiest is to copy from above and edit. You can have nested sidebars.

Starlight on Astro

Site is built using Starlight on Astro

For tips on using asides, badges, embeds, etc — check the docs or find in this repo and copy.

When using any import/components, file must be .mdx

Expressive Code

Expressive code is built into Starlight for code blocks/steps.