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Represents a single view inside a UI, similar to a div.

const view = app.create('uiview')
view.backgroundColor = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)'


.display: String

Either none or flex. Defaults to flex.

.width: Number

The width of the view in pixels. Defaults to 100.

.height: Number

The height of the view in pixels. Defaults to 100.

.backgroundColor: String

The background color of the view. Can be hex (eg #000000) or rgba (eg rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)). Defaults to null.

.borderRadius: Number

The radius of the border in pixels.

.margin: Number

The outer margin of the view in pixels. Defaults to 0.

.padding: Number

The inner padding of the view in pixels. Defaults to 0.

.flexDirection: String

The flex direction. column, column-reverse, row or row-reverse. Defaults to column.

.justifyContent: String

Options: flex-start, flex-end, center. Defaults to flex-start.

.alignItems: String

Options: stretch, flex-start, flex-end, center, baseline. Defaults to stretch.

.alignContent: String

Options: flex-start, flex-end, stretch, center, space-between, space-around, space-evenly. Defaults to flex-start.

.flexBasis: Number

Defaults to null.

.flexGrow: Number

Defaults to null.

.flexShrink: Number

Defaults to null.

.flexWrap: String

Options: no-wrap, wrap. Defaults to no-wrap.

.gap: Number

Defaults to 0.


Inherits all Node properties