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Apps can expose a list of custom UI fields allowing non-technical people to configure or change the way your apps work.


To generate custom UI for your app, configure the fields at the top of your app’s script like this:

key: 'name',
type: 'text',
label: 'Name',

The example above will create a text input for you to enter a name.


Apps have a global props variable for you to read back the values entered in custom fields.



A text input

type: 'text',
key: String, // the key on `props` to set this value
label: String, // the label for the text input
placeholder: String, // an optional placeholder displayed inside the input
initial: String, // the initial value to set if not configured


A multi-line textarea input

type: 'textarea',
key: String, // the key on `props` to set this value
label: String, // the label for the text input
placeholder: String, // an optional placeholder displayed inside the input
initial: String, // the initial value to set if not configured


A number input. Also supports math entry and up/down stepping.

type: 'number',
key: String, // the key on `props` to set this value
label: String, // the label for the text input
dp: Number, // the number of decimal places allowed (default = 0)
min: Number, // the minimum value allowed (default = -Infinity)
max: Number, // the maximum value allowed (default = Infinity)
step: Number, // the amount incremented/decrement when pressing up/down arrows (default = 1)
initial: Number, // the initial value to set if not configured (default = 0)


A switch input

type: 'switch',
key: String, // the key on `props` to set this value
label: String, // the label for the text input
options: [
label: String, // the label to show on this switch item
value: String, // the value to set on the props when selected
initial: String, // the initial value to set if not configured


A file field for selecting and uploading additional assets that can be used by your app.

type: 'file',
key: String, // the key on `props` to set this value
label: String, // the label for the text input
kind: String, // the kind of file, must be one of: avatar, emote, model, texture, hdr, audio

Note that the value set on props is an object that looks like this:

type: String, // the type of file (avatar, emote, model, texture, hdr, audio)
name: String, // the original files name
url: String, // the url to the file

The type of file you collect depends on how you would use it. For example you can use audio files with an audio node:

const audio = app.create('audio', {


A simple section header to help group fields together

type: 'section',
key: String, // a unique `key` to represent this section
label: String, // the label for the section header