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Represents a player. An instance of Player can be retrived from events or via World.getPlayer

NOTE: Setting/modifying the geometry are not currently supported, and only be configured within a GLTF (eg via blender).


.networkId: String

A completely unique ID that is given to every player each time they connect.

.entityId: String

The entity’s ID.

.id: String

The player ID. This ID is the same each time the player enters the world.

.name: String

The players name.

.position: Vector3

The players position in the world.

.quaternion: Quaternion

The players rotation in the world.

.rotation: Euler

The players rotation in the world.


.teleport(position, rotationY)

Teleports the player instantly to the new position. The rotationY value is in radians, and if omitted the player will continue facing their current direction.

.hasEffect(): Boolean

Whether the player currently has an active effect.

.setEffect({ anchor, emote, snare, freeze, duration, cancellable })

Sets an effect on the player. If the player already had an effect, it is replaced. If this function is called with null it removes any active effect.

All options are optional.

anchor: an Anchor to attach the player to

emote: a url to an emote to play while this effect is active

snare: a multiplier from 0 to 1 that reduces movement speed, where zero means no snaring and one means entirely snared. when snared, players can still turn and attempt to move.

freeze: when true, the player is frozen in place and all movement keys are ignored.

duration: how long this effect should last in seconds.

cancellable: whether any movement keys will cancel the effect. if enabled, freeze is ignored.

.getBoneTransform(boneName): Matrix4

Returns a matrix of the bone transform in world space.

See Avatar for full details.