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A collider connects to its parent rigidbody to simulate under physics.


.type: String

The type of collider, must be box, sphere or geometry. Defaults to box.

.setSize(width, height, depth)

When type is box, sets the size of the box. Defaults to 1, 1, 1.

.radius: Number

When type is sphere, sets the radius of the sphere. Defaults to 0.5.

.convex: Boolean

Whether the geometry should be considered “convex”. If disabled, the mesh will act as a trimesh. Defaults to false

Convex meshes are not only more performant, but also allow two convex dynamic rigidbodies to collide. This is the same behavior that engines like Unity use.

.trigger: Boolean

Whether the collider is a trigger. Defaults to false.

A trigger will not collide with anything, and instead will trigger the onTriggerEnter and onTriggerLeave functions on the parent rigidbody.

NOTE: Triggers are forced to act like convex shapes. This is a limitation in the physics engine.


Inherits all Node properties